Results for 'Doyle P. Tate'

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  1.  20
    Desire for Parenthood in Context of Other Life Aspirations Among Lesbian, Gay, and Heterosexual Young Adults.Doyle P. Tate & Charlotte J. Patterson - 2019 - Frontiers in Psychology 10.
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  2.  21
    United States Normative Attitudes for Pursuing Parenthood as a Function of Gender, Sexual Orientation, and Age.Doyle P. Tate - 2022 - Frontiers in Psychology 12.
    Decisions about whether or not to become a parent are significant parts of normative human development. Many studies have shown that married different-sex couples are expected to become parents, and that many social pressures enforce this norm. For same-sex couples, however, much less is known about social norms surrounding parenthood within marriage. This study examined injunctive norms and descriptive norms for the pursuit of parenthood as a function of age, gender, and sexual orientation. Participants in an internet survey included 1020 (...)
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  3.  19
    The dependence of electron damage on crystal orientation in the HVEM.P. A. Doyle - 1974 - Philosophical Magazine 29 (3):537-545.
  4.  13
    Mediaeval Philosophical Texts in Translation.John P. Doyle - 2001
    Annotation Scholars of medieval scholastic philosophy as well as those who study semiotics will appreciate this side-by-side translation, with introduction, by Doyle (Saint Louis U.) of a late 16th-early 17th century Jesuit text. The text (its name is taken from the U. of Coimbra, in Portugal, where the authors taught) contains commentaries on Aristotle, as part of a course in philosophy, particularly logic. Annotation c. Book News, Inc., Portland, OR (
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  5. Some Questions on Signs.John P. Doyle - 2003 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 65 (3):588-588.
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  6.  18
    Hircocervi & other metaphysical wonders: essays in honor of John P. Doyle.Victor M. Salas & John P. Doyle (eds.) - 2013 - Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Marquette University Press.
    A student of Étienne Gilson and Joseph Owens, John P. Doyle taught medieval and Scholastic philosophy at Saint Louis University for forty years. Of continuing interest to Doyle has been the thought of Francisco Suárez, S.J. On this topic Doyle has published over a dozen articles and four English translations of portions of Suárez's key works. This volume celebrates the life and career of one of those rare kinds of scholars who has mastered an entire field of (...)
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  7.  19
    Impediments to universal preference-based default theories.Jon Doyle & Michael P. Wellman - 1991 - Artificial Intelligence 49 (1-3):97-128.
  8.  67
    Between Transcendental and Transcendental: The Missing Link?John P. Doyle - 1987 - Review of Metaphysics 50 (4):783 - 815.
    In the second edition of his Kritik der reinen Vernunft, in the Transcendental Analytic, just after the Table of Categories and just before his Deduction of the Pure Concepts of Understanding, Immanuel Kant added a section which marked at once the deficiency of an older Scholastic doctrine of transcendentals and yet arguably an adumbration of his own doctrine. He expressed his core thought thus.
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  9. Suarez on beings of reason and truth (1).John P. Doyle - 1987 - Vivarium 25 (1):47-75.
  10.  33
    Military Metaphors in Health Care: Who Are We Actually Trying to Help?Tyler P. Tate & Robert A. Pearlman - 2016 - American Journal of Bioethics 16 (10):15-17.
  11.  18
    John of St. Thomas [Poinsot] on Sacred Science: Cursus Theologicus I, Question 1, Disputation 2.John P. Doyle & Victor M. Salas (eds.) - 2014 - South Bend, Indiana: St. Augustine's Press.
    This volume offers an English translation of John of St. Thomas's Cursus theologicus I, question I, disputation 2. In this particular text, the Dominican master raises questions concerning the scientific status and nature of theology. At issue, here, are a number of factors: namely, Christianity's continual coming to terms with the "Third Entry" of Aristotelian thought into Western Christian intellectual culture - specifically the Aristotelian notion of 'science' and sacra doctrina's satisfaction of those requirements - the Thomistic-commentary tradition, and the (...)
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  12.  59
    Thomas Compton Carleton, S.J.John P. Doyle - 1988 - Modern Schoolman 66 (1):1-28.
  13.  56
    The Methodological Roles of Tolerance and Conventionalism in the Philosophy of Mathematics: Reconsidering Carnap's Logic of Science.Emerson P. Doyle - 2014 - Dissertation, University of Western Ontario
    This dissertation makes two primary contributions. The first three chapters develop an interpretation of Carnap's Meta-Philosophical Program which places stress upon his methodological analysis of the sciences over and above the Principle of Tolerance. Most importantly, I suggest, is that Carnap sees philosophy as contiguous with science—as a part of the scientific enterprise—so utilizing the very same methods and subject to the same limitations. I argue that the methodological reforms he suggests for philosophy amount to philosophy as the explication of (...)
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  14.  19
    Inhibition and Updating, but Not Switching, Predict Developmental Dyslexia and Individual Variation in Reading Ability.Caoilainn Doyle, Alan F. Smeaton, Richard A. P. Roche & Lorraine Boran - 2018 - Frontiers in Psychology 9.
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  15.  57
    Peter John Olivi on Right, Dominion, and Voluntary Signs.John P. Doyle - 1986 - Semiotics:419-429.
  16.  53
    Suárez on the Truth of the Proposition: 'This is my Body'.John P. Doyle - 2000 - Modern Schoolman 77 (2):145-163.
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  17.  80
    Some Thoughts on Duns Scotus and the Ontological Argument.John P. Doyle - 1979 - New Scholasticism 53 (2):234-241.
  18.  89
    Suarez on beings of reason and truth (2).John P. Doyle - 1988 - Vivarium 26 (1):51-72.
  19.  47
    Extrinsic Cognoscibility.John P. Doyle - 1990 - Modern Schoolman 68 (1):57-80.
  20.  12
    Hispanic scholastic philosophy.John P. Doyle - 2007 - In James Hankins, The Cambridge Companion to Renaissance Philosophy. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 250.
  21.  37
    Suárez’ transzendentale Seinsauslegung und die Metaphysik-tradition. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 2005 - Review of Metaphysics 58 (4):886-887.
    Darge acknowledges that Suárez does in some manner continue the line of Avicenna and Duns Scotus. But focusing on the theme of the transcendental properties of being, which are reduced to unity, truth, and goodness, or, concretely, the one, the true, and the good, he sees the Suarezian metaphysics as a revival and a revision of pre-Scotist teaching, found especially in St. Thomas Aquinas’s De veritate I, a. 1. For his understanding of such pre-Scotistic doctrine, Darge follows in a thoughtful (...)
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  22.  83
    Saint Bonaventure and the Ontological Argument.John P. Doyle - 1974 - Modern Schoolman 52 (1):27-48.
  23.  38
    The Conimbricenses on the Semiotic Character of Mirror Images.John P. Doyle - 1998 - Modern Schoolman 76 (1):17-31.
  24.  51
    Heidegger and Scholastic Metaphysics.John P. Doyle - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (3):201-220.
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  25.  58
    Suarez on the Analogy of Being.John P. Doyle - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (3):219-249.
  26.  23
    Two Thomists on the Morality of a Jailbreak.John P. Doyle - 1997 - Modern Schoolman 74 (2):95-115.
  27.  11
    La Filosofia del siglo XIV: contexto cultural de Walter Burley.John P. Doyle - 1980 - Modern Schoolman 58 (1):68-69.
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  28.  7
    Gedankendinge und Imagination bei den Jesuiten des 17. Jh.John P. Doyle - 2003 - In Thomas Dewender & Thomas Welt, Imagination, Fiktion, Kreation: das kulturschaffende Vermögen der Phantasie. München: Walter de Gruyter. pp. 213-228.
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  29.  13
    Hervaeus Natalis.John P. Doyle - 2011 - In H. Lagerlund, Encyclopedia of Medieval Philosophy. Springer. pp. 472--473.
  30. Prolegomena to a study of extrinsic denomination in the work of Francis Suarez, S.j.John P. Doyle - 1984 - Vivarium 22 (2):121-156.
  31. On the self-refuting statement "there is no truth": A medieval treatment.William C. Charron & John P. Doyle - 1993 - Vivarium 31 (2):241-266.
  32.  42
    Another God, Chimerae, Goat-Stags, and Man-Lions: A Seventeenth-Century Debate about Impossible Objects.John P. Doyle - 1995 - Review of Metaphysics 48 (4):771 - 808.
    Prima facie it seems easy to understand what he had in mind when he spoke of accidental being and being as true. Accidental or incidental being, what the Latins would later call ens per accidens, was in fact a juxtaposition of two or more categorical beings. As such it lacked a unified essence and thus it lacked genuine being. It was being "only in name." Being as true, he told us, was in the synthesis of the intellect, that is, the (...)
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  33.  83
    The Conimbricenses on the Relations Involved in Signs.John P. Doyle - 1984 - Semiotics:567-576.
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  34.  74
    Suarez on the Reality of the Possibles. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1967 - Modern Schoolman 45 (1):29-48.
  35.  24
    The ribosome: lifting the veil from a fascinating organelle.Warren P. Tate & Elizabeth S. Poole - 2004 - Bioessays 26 (5):582-588.
    It was first suggested that the ribosome is associated with protein synthesis in the 1950s. Initially, its components were revealed as surface‐accessible proteins and as molecules of RNA apparently providing a scaffold for subunit shape. Attributing function to the proteins proved difficult, although bacterial protein L11 proved essential for binding one of the decoding protein release factors (RFs). With the discovery that RNA could be a catalyst, interest focussed on the rRNA that, in partnership with mRNA and tRNAs, could potentially (...)
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  36.  25
    "L'Éveil de la conscience dans la civilization medievale," by M. D. Chenu, O.P. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1970 - Modern Schoolman 48 (1):60-62.
  37.  38
    "Cajetan's Notion of Existence," by John P. Reilly. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 51 (1):73-74.
  38.  25
    "La genesis de la biologia," by L. P. Coonen, trans. Nestor Ortiz Oderigo. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1972 - Modern Schoolman 49 (3):286-287.
  39.  42
    Poinsot on the Knowability of Beings of Reason.John P. Doyle - 1994 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 68 (3):337-362.
  40.  65
    Suárez on Truth and Mind-Dependent Beings: Implications for a Unified Semiotic.John P. Doyle - 1983 - Semiotics:121-133.
  41.  64
    Ipsum Esse as God-Surrogate.John P. Doyle - 1973 - Modern Schoolman 50 (3):293-296.
  42.  36
    Silvester Mauro, S.J. (1619-1687) on Four Degrees of Abstraction.John P. Doyle - 1996 - International Philosophical Quarterly 36 (4):461-474.
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  43.  45
    Suárez on the Unity of a Scientific Habit.John P. Doyle - 1991 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 65 (3):311-334.
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  44.  17
    Suarez on the Analogy of Being.John P. Doyle - 1969 - Modern Schoolman 46 (4):323-341.
  45.  8
    (1 other version)On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia) by Luis de Molina. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (2):369-371.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:BOOK REVIEWS 369 On Divine Foreknowledge. (Part IV of the Concordia). By Lms DE MOLINA. Trans. Alfred J. Freddoso. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1988. Pp. xii +286. $34.95. The contents of the sixteenth century Jesuit theologian Luis de Molina's famous work are specified in its title: Liberi arbitrii cum gratiae donis, divina praescientia, providentia, praedestinatione et reprobatione concordia-" The Agreement of Free Choice with the Gifts of Grace, Divine (...)
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  46.  28
    "Science and Creation in the Middle Ages: Henry of Langenstein (d. 1397) on Genesis," by Nicholas H. Steneck. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1977 - Modern Schoolman 55 (1):121-121.
  47.  27
    "God and the Knowledge of Reality," by Thomas Molnar. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 53 (2):223-224.
  48.  55
    The Divine Names and Mystical Theology. By Pseudo-Dionysius Areopagite. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1983 - Modern Schoolman 60 (4):289-290.
  49.  19
    "The Historical Constitution of St. Bonaventure's Philosophy," by John Francis Quinn. [REVIEW]John P. Doyle - 1976 - Modern Schoolman 54 (1):88-90.
  50.  14
    Review of A. W. Carus, Michael Friedman, Wolfgang Kienzler, Alan Richardson and Sven Schlotter: The Collected Works of Rudolf Carnap[REVIEW]Emerson P. Doyle - 2024 - Hopos: The Journal of the International Society for the History of Philosophy of Science 14 (1):210-215.
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